Boris Eifman’s ballet “Onegin”




29.00 € - 59.00 €

“The ballet world in search of a major choreographer need search no more. He is Boris Eifman…”

Anna Kisselgoff, „The New York Times“


Boris Eifman – Artistic Director of St. Petersburg Eifman Ballet, People’s Artist of Russia, the Laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation, the laureate of the Golden Mask and the Golden Soffit awards, the holder of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, 4th, 3rd and 2nd class.

Boris Eifman, the founder and creator of his own theater, his own style, and his own ballet universe, who is called “one of the leading choreographers in the world” and an “amazing magician of the theater”, says about the ballet, “For me, ballet is more than a profession. It is a means of existence, my mission on this earth. Using its resources, I am compelled to convey what is given to me from on high. Most likely, I would simply suffocate on my emotions if I didn’t have the possibility of expressing them through art. For me, choreography is art that is deeply religious, in the broadest sense of the word.”

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