Patti Smith concert



Legendary New York poet and godmother of punk Patti Smith concert in Nordea Concert Hall on 21st of July.
Patti Smith is one of the most important and influential female rock musicians and poets throughout time, part of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame by now and the winner of “music Nobel Prize” the Polar Music Prize. Her ambitious, intriguing, no-compromise and at the same time movingly honest and spirited music has been regarded as the most important symbiosis between rock and poetry next to Bob Dylan’s since decades.
Her concerts have mesmerized music fans from all over the world with performances of structured rock, avant-garde impro and free-jazz – powerful stage presence and expressive voice, shamanistic rhythmic poetry, ecstatic and spirited expression. The concert in Tallinn on 21st of July is Patti Smith’s first and only performance in the Baltic States. Before that she performs at Pori Jazz.
“By devoting her life to art in all its forms, Patti Smith has demonstrated how much rock’n’roll there is in poetry and how much poetry there is in rock’n’roll. Patti Smith is a Rimbaud with Marshall amps. She has transformed the way an entire generation looks, thinks and dreams. With her inimitable soul of an artist, Patti Smith proves over and over again that people have the power.” – Polar Music Prize.
Patti Smith released her first studio album “Horses” in 1975. “Because the Night” – co-written with Bruce Springsteen form the 1978 LP “Easter” has become a symbol of the era and a hit of radio stations.
Patti Smith has released 11 studio albums, last of them “Banga” in 2012. Artists, writers and musicians of different generations like Madonna, U2, Michael Stipe of R.E.M and Courtney Love have named Patti Smith as their example and influencer.
Patti Smith’s praised autobiography “Just Kids” was published in 2010. The memoir describes her first years in New York in the spirits of the movie “Inside Llewyin Davis” and foremost her relationship with photographer Robert Mapplethorpe. “Just Kids” is written with fine sensitivity, is one of New York Times bestsellers and has been awarded with many prizes.


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  • No age limit
  • Latecomers are not allowed to enter the venue!
  • Taking photos and recording is allowed only by prior agreement with the organizer
  • For tickets for people in wheelchairs please contact
  • In the concert hall, the 1st and 2nd row of the first balcony and the 1st row of the second balcony are of limited visibility. The edges are equipped with guardrails!
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