Performance „The Far Side of the Moon”



One of the highlights of the new Tallinn City Theatre season will be the guest performance of „The Far Side of the Moon” by the renowned director Robert Lepage. Lepage is currently considered to be one of the most original creative minds in the theatre world. In February 2013 he won the Glenn Gould Prize for his multifaceted work, which is often equalled to Nobel Prize in the culture field. The performance in Tallinn will be the first of Robert Lepage’s in the region.

„The alchemist of modern imagistic theatre” – John O’ Mahony, The Guardian

As one of his most celebrated productions, „The Far Side of the Moon” displays a combination of Lepage’s multiple talents. A deeply human story is coupled with stunning technical and visual artistry. „The Far Side of the Moon” will be performed on 1 October at the Nokia Concert Hall in Tallinn.

„…A stunning theatrical work that makes the universe more understandable while also making it more mysterious. You can’t ask much more than that from a work of art.” – Ed Siegel, Boston Globe

„The Far Side of the Moon“ has been performed in more than 50 cities around the world, the last European performance occurring in 2011 at the Wiener Festwochen festival. The play follows the lives of two brothers who have grown apart, as well as the conquest of the moon during the Cold War. Lepage’s production is both visually impressive and intimate at the same time. Well-known figures of the space race, including the cosmonaut Aleksei Leonov, are featured. The actor Yves Jacques is cast as both of the brothers and plays a whole array of different characters, creating together with the director Lepage a rich, surprising and unique universe. Laurie Anderson’s haunting score provides the soundtrack.

Robert Lepage is a very interesting combination, both a skilled artist and a deep thinker. – Philip Fisher, British Theatre Guide

The productions of Robert Lepage attracted early attention with their creative designs and innovative technological approaches. During his high-flying career, the French Canadian has run the national theatre in Ottawa and became the first North American to stage a Shakespeare play at Royal National Theatre in London. Thematically, Lepage has been interested in the search for identity and home in the modern world. His numerous theatrical talents include playwriting, directing, acting, and stage design. His latest major project, the Wagner tetralogy „The Ring of the Nibelungs“ at the New York Metropolitan Opera has managed to provoke both scorn and admiration. Controversially, the massive 45 ton stage design required new steel enhancements to be installed to the opera building.

Robert Lepage is an artist whose dreams have expanded the realm of possibility and whose work transcends all boundaries. – Brian Levine, Glenn Gould Foundation

In addition to his theatre productions, Lepage has directed movies, operas, video installations and rock concerts. The last include two world tours of Peter Gabriel. In 2008, the world’s largest video installation was mounted in Quebec, Lepage’s hometown. „The Image Mill“ was 600 metres wide and 30 metres tall – Lepage used the mill to project images of the town’s history onto the silo storage houses. Lepage has also directed and designed performances for the well known Cirque du Soleil. His show „Ka“ has a permanent run in Las Vegas.

„The Far Side of the Moon“
Robert Lepage / Ex Machina
Written and directed by Robert Lepage

Performed by Yves Jacques
Script consultant Adam Nashman
Artistic collaborator and project originator Peder Bjurman
Assistant to the director Pierre-Philippe Guay

Original music composed and recorded by Laurie Anderson © 2000 Difficult Music (BMI)

Assistant set designer Marie-Claude Pelletier
Assistant lighting designer Bernard White
Costume designer Marie-Chantale Vaillancourt
Puppet designer Pierre Robitaille, Sylvie Courbron
Images produced by Jacques Collin, Véronique Couturier


Performed on: 1 October 2013 at 19.00 Nokia Concert Hall, Tallinn

Duration: 2h 15min

Performed in English, with Estonian and Russian translations

NB! Special effects and cigarette smoke on stage!


The media partners of „The Far Side of the Moon“ include Raadio Kuku and Eesti Ekspress.

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  • Taking photos and recording is allowed only by prior agreement with the organizer
  • A 10% discount on all menu items during 30 minutes from opening the doors
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  • In the concert hall, the 1st and 2nd row of the first balcony and the 1st row of the second balcony are of limited visibility. The edges are equipped with guardrails!
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